The Efficient Parent Blog


Just Playing Around! June 7, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — theefficientparent @ 10:08

The other day my husband and I visited a farm in the middle of nowhere (I like to think of it as a date because we were childless for the afternoon) & I brought my camera to play around with.  It was fun because I got to shoot the goats, geese, ducks, cows and even 3 old barns!  One part of the farm is an empty catfish pond that isn’t very appealing to the eye.  But I found something that actually looked pretty cool to take a picture of in that abandoned catfish pond!  I caught a glimpse of myself in my hubby’s shades & had to snap a shot. It’s fun to see myself directly from my husband’s viewpoint…especially when I’m right in the middle of doing something I LOVE!    So, this is my favorite shot from our time on the old farm.    I’m entering this into the iheartfaces photo challenge because it fits nicely into this week’s theme: “Play”.  Visit the iheartfaces website to see other cool shots of people doing what the love….playing!